Book recommendation: Gretchen Cornwall’s “Secret Dossier of a Knight Templar of the Sangreal”

Many of you may have noticed that as part of my own Crusade, I am carrying on the legacy of the Knights Templar and like them, following the Way of the Rose. Doing all I can to help restore the balance between the Masculine and Feminine, and also bringing back women from history that have been ignored, erased, or forgotten include the feminine side of God, the Shekinah or the Bible's "hidden goddess".

I think as a woman this is one of the most important tasks one can have, but there are also women in our present day who deserve to be mentioned like other professional colleagues. Women should support each other as sisters, especially when they work in the same areas and it should never be a competition.

So today I'd like to share a book which deserves to be mentioned and that resonates with me and my research by another female colleague and incredible woman, a Magdalene in many ways and true shield-maiden. If you don't know Gretchen Cornwall's work please check it out, especially her Dossier of a Knights Templar and some of her TV work, although for me her interviews on her own website are also highly relevant and valuable. I recently was introduced to Gretchen and it was been a very pleasant surprise, she has a unique take on Templar and Norse history but is as genuine and true as they come, and like a true "Templaise" her heart is pure and in the right place. And as I shared with her, she is also an inspiration to all us women who work in history. A beautiful soul, inside and out who wears the crown of a Queen and also acknowledges the work of her colleagues.

Check out her first book which I keep going back to here - The Secret Dossier of a Knight Templar of the Sangreal


The Templars & the Divine Feminine


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